
Financial Modelling

This course teaches participants the core skills, techniques and conceptual framework required to create world-class financial models that are robust, accurate, well-structured, and user-friendly. The course focuses on industry best practices, model structure and design; and the construction of a model from scratch using Excel application.

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Entrepreneurship and Wealth creation require proper planning patience and smart investing. Anyone can do it. No matter where you are now. This one day seminar will provide practical strategies and real-world step by step wealth building system that will get you to your goal of financial freedom and change your life forever.

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Essentials of Entrepreneurship Fundamentals (EEF 101)

we share who an entrepreneur is, whether entrepreneurship is for everyone or not, what things to consider before you start and address some of the common questions about entrepreneurship as a career opportunity.

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Coaching & Mentoring for Business Success

The Coaching & Mentoring for Business Success Course takes business owners, and those in positions to affect change, through the fundamentals and practical applications of creating a coaching and mentoring programme fit for their business.

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Finance and Administration

Some Description Here

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Business Management with Accountancy

This online accountancy and business management course will help to prepare you so that your new business has the best possible chance of success.

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