Mentors Guide

A digital platform that provides practical guide to African Entrepreneurs and Young professionals with world-class skills and educational mentorship to promote business and professional relevance in the digitally transformed marketplace.

Our objective is to equip, support and nurture creative entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in Africa.

How to become a mentor


Step one: Registration

Click the mentorship button on the landing page

Fill in the registration form and submit


Step two: Review and Approval

Be patient until your registration details and mentorship programs have been reviewed and approved by our review faculty.

Upon approval, a confirmation email shall be sent to you.


Step three: You are published as a mentor

Upon approval, you will be visible to all mentees on the platform.


Step four: Access to the mentor’s interface

View and edit or update instructor’s profile.

View mentorship program reports and or export them as CSV files.

Schedule zoom sessions with mentees.

Send all mentees or participants who have enrolled for your mentorship program messages via email.

Set-up or Add, edit and delete mentorship programs, modules, quizzes, topics, questions, assignments.

Add program products for sale such as books in pdf.

Sign out.